Afenioux's Blog page

3am; darkness; Maintenance window closing. Safety net: rollback.

FreeBSD Basics

Written by Arnaud no comments

If you choose to Install FreeBSD 10 on Proxmox, you MUST set CPU to QEMU64 or it won't boot (yes, it will be ok for install, but not for boot!)

If you choosed to install ssh and ntp, check they are enabled in  /etc/rc.conf :


remember to modify theses lines in /etc/ntp.conf to avoid beeing a bot in a DDoS amplification attack :

#restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
#restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
# Alternatively, the following rules would block all unauthorized access.
restrict default ignore
restrict -6 default ignore

and "service ntpd restart"

  • To allow root login in ssh and disable password authentication, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config :

PermitRootLogin  yes
PasswordAuthentication no

and "service sshd restart"

  • Update the system:
freebsd-update fetch
freebsd-update install
  • Search and Install new software with PKGNG (binary):

pkg search tcpdump
pkg install tcpdump


  • Check installed packages and get details on a specific one  :

pkg info
pkg info tcpdump

  • Check for update and upgrade packages :

pkg update
pkg version
pkg upgrade

(more about packages install and ports : )

  • View partitions list and type :

gpart show

  • See free memory (RAM) in MB :

pkg install freecolor
freecolor -o -m



To use the BSD ports, first fetch and extract the list :

portsnap fetch
portsnap extract
portsnap fetch update

Find a port (if you know the name) :

#whereis nmap
nmap: /usr/ports/security/nmap

If you dont know the exact name, you can search :

# cd /usr/ports
# make search name=lsof

Compile & install  (if the file pkg-message exists, you should read it!) :

cd /usr/ports/security/nmap
make install clean

or simply install a port with portmaster :

pkg install portmaster
portmaster -d sysutils/password-store

update all your ports :

portmaster -a
Classified in : UNIX Tags : none

SSH configuration for Brocade MLX

Written by Arnaud no comments

Enable SSH

crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
write mem


Disable SSH

This is definitely a bad idea!
The "best" to disable ssh, is to remove the host keys :

crypto key zeroize

Aha, you should disable telnet (but it's not enableb by default,unlike cisco!) :

no telnet server


Add a public key to log in without password

You have to "convert" manually your public key : 

cat .ssh/

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA88pt28yU5jq4KZQ88nKsl2iYMhxatRv742Ak52c8/qIqivw+Drs9/r4ggnjCBrQ8+nycmc3Qe

becomes :

Comment: ""

You have to put ALL the allowed public keys in the same file, they will be deleted otherwise! 

ip ssh pub-key-file tftp pkeys.txt

Remove all the clients keys :

 ip ssh pub-key remove



access-list 22 permit host
access-list 22 permit
ssh access-group 22

and obviously we think to l'IPv6

ipv6 access-list acl-ssh-in
  permit ipv6 2001:db8::/32 any
ssh access-group ipv6 acl-ssh-in



About SSH

see actives connections :

sh ip ssh

see parameters : 

sh ip ssh config

list of authorized (public) keys :

sh ip client-pub-key


SCP is enable by default... just use it!

Classified in : MISC Tags : none

Super SCP

Written by Arnaud no comments
I use this script to scp files as root to the distant server, so that I don't need to type "root@"
eg : arnaud@local:~$./scp file srv:/root
# we check the last argument
if [ `echo ${!#} | grep ":"` ] ; then
        # we pop $@
        # sed s,a,b is same as sed s/a/b
        # but no need to escape / :-)
        list=$(echo $@ | sed s,\ ${!#},,)
        scp -r $list root@${!#}
        # we unshift $@
        list=$(echo $@ | sed s,$1\ ,,)
        scp -r root@$1 $list
Classified in : UNIX Tags : none

Linux and routing tables

Written by Arnaud no comments

To add another default gateway to a dedicated interface, in this example I want 2 interfaces and one default GW for each IP (my 2nd interface has IP

ip route add default via table 100
ip rule add from table 100

ip rule list
ip route list table local
ip route list table 100

source & more :

Classified in : UNIX Tags : none

Switch CAM, TCAM and SDM

Written by Arnaud no comments

Cisco Catalyst switches use CAM and TCAM to store MAC addresses, ACL, QoS tables in order to have wire-speed switching : they are ASICs and search the entire memory in one operation.

The CAM (Content Addressable Memory) stores MAC addresses, VLAN and ports assignments. During a lookup, the CAM returns the address where the data is stored (the inverse of regular RAM). It is used on L2 swich.
The TCAM (Ternary Content Addressable Memory) is used on L3 switch to store the routing table (it is also used to store ACL and QoS information). During the lookup, keys are network and mask and result can be next-hop or action (permit or deny) for ACL.

Very well explained and detailed post :

To see CAM and CAM usage (Theses commands were used on a 3750):

show mac address-table dynamic
show mac address-table count

To see TCAM usage :

show platform tcam utilization 

To see routes that could'nt be inserted into TCAM :

show platform ip unicast counts

To view the number of route entries for each protocol :

show ip route summary


If you find a high number of prefixes not in TCAM, and a high TCAM usage, you should considering changing the SDM (switch database management) template.

To see the currently used SDM :

show sdm prefer

To see anoter SDM template :

show sdm prefer dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 routing 
To apply a new sdm :

conf t
 sdm prefer dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 routing
In the worst case when the TCAM is full, "ip cef" is desactivated and switching is done by CPU,
to see CPU usage :
show processes cpu history

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding) is a forwarding model in which all routing information is put into the FIB (forwarding information base). The FIB is used to store IP routing information (prefixes and next-hop), in addition to the FIB, CEF uses adjacency tables to store Layer 2 addressing information.


Source : and

Classified in : cisco Tags : none

dBm / mW and DWDM

Written by Arnaud no comments
You will learn in this ticket : dBm/mW equivalence, Appx Attenuation/range (km), DWDM Channels length and Freq:
20dBm = 100mW
10dBm = 10mW
  3dBm = 2mW
  0dBm = 1mW
-3dBm = 0,5mW
-10dBm = 0,1mW
-20dBm = 0,01mW
do not trust distance, you should make your math (adding attenuation of your links/connectors):
10dB 2/10km LR
13dB 15km
16/24dB 40km ER
26/28dB 80km ZR
32db 120km
37dB 160km

Channel		      Lamda (nm) Freq (Thz)
72   (DWDM Channel C72)	1520,25	197,20
71   (DWDM Channel C71)	1521,02	197,10
70   (DWDM Channel C70)	1521,79	197,00
69   (DWDM Channel C69)	1522,56	196,90
68   (DWDM Channel C68)	1523,34	196,80
67   (DWDM Channel C67)	1524,11	196,70
66   (DWDM Channel C66)	1524,89	196,60
65   (DWDM Channel C65)	1525,66	196,50
64   (DWDM Channel C64)	1526,44	196,40
63   (DWDM Channel C63)	1527,22	196,30
62   (DWDM Channel C62)	1527,99	196,20
61   (DWDM Channel C61)	1528,77	196,10
60   (DWDM Channel C60)	1529,55	196,00
59   (DWDM Channel C59)	1530,33	195,90
58   (DWDM Channel C58)	1531,12	195,80
57   (DWDM Channel C57)	1531,90	195,70
56   (DWDM Channel C56)	1532,68	195,60
55   (DWDM Channel C55)	1533,47	195,50
54   (DWDM Channel C54)	1534,25	195,40
53   (DWDM Channel C53)	1535,04	195,30
52   (DWDM Channel C52)	1535,82	195,20
51   (DWDM Channel C51)	1536,61	195,10
50   (DWDM Channel C50)	1537,4	195,00
49   (DWDM Channel C49)	1538,19	194,90
48   (DWDM Channel C48)	1538,98	194,80
47   (DWDM Channel C47)	1539,77	194,70
46   (DWDM Channel C46)	1540,56	194,60
45   (DWDM Channel C45)	1541,35	194,50
44   (DWDM Channel C44)	1542,14	194,40
43   (DWDM Channel C43)	1542,94	194,30
42   (DWDM Channel C42)	1543,73	194,20
41   (DWDM Channel C41)	1544,53	194,10
40   (DWDM Channel C40)	1545,32	194,00
39   (DWDM Channel C39)	1546,12	193,90
38   (DWDM Channel C38)	1546,92	193,80
37   (DWDM Channel C37)	1547,72	193,70
36   (DWDM Channel C36)	1548,51	193,60
35   (DWDM Channel C35)	1549,32	193,50
34   (DWDM Channel C34)	1550,12	193,40
33   (DWDM Channel C33)	1550,92	193,30
32   (DWDM Channel C32)	1551,72	193,20
31   (DWDM Channel C31)	1552,52	193,10
30   (DWDM Channel C30)	1553,33	193,00
29   (DWDM Channel C29)	1554,13	192,90
28   (DWDM Channel C28)	1554,94	192,80
27   (DWDM Channel C27)	1555,75	192,70
26   (DWDM Channel C26)	1556,55	192,60
25   (DWDM Channel C25)	1557,36	192,50
24   (DWDM Channel C24)	1558,17	192,40
23   (DWDM Channel C23)	1558,98	192,30
22   (DWDM Channel C22)	1559,79	192,20
21   (DWDM Channel C21)	1560,61	192,10
20   (DWDM Channel C20)	1561,42	192,00
19   (DWDM Channel C19)	1562,23	191,90
18   (DWDM Channel C18)	1563,05	191,80
17   (DWDM Channel C17)	1563,86	191,70
16   (DWDM Channel C16)	1564,68	191,60
15   (DWDM Channel C15)	1565,50	191,50
14   (DWDM Channel C14)	1566,31	191,40
13   (DWDM Channel C13)	1567,13	191,30
12   (DWDM Channel C12)	1567,95	191,20
11   (DWDM Channel C11)	1568,67	191,10
10   (DWDM Channel C10)	1569,59	191,00
9   (DWDM Channel C09)	1570,42	190,90
8   (DWDM Channel C08)	1571,24	190,80
7   (DWDM Channel C07)	1572,06	190,70
6   (DWDM Channel C06)	1572,89	190,60
5   (DWDM Channel C05)	1573,71	190,50
4   (DWDM Channel C04)	1574,54	190,40
3   (DWDM Channel C03)	1575,37	190,30
2   (DWDM Channel C02)	1576,20	190,20
1   (DWDM Channel C01)	1577,03	190,10


Classified in : MISC Tags : none

Juniper basics

Written by Arnaud no comments
First step is to read these "day one" free books :
I choosed Configuring Junos Basics, and Junos for IOS Engineers.
Now, let's get a Switch! for my first try I had 2 QFX5100 :
The default login is "root" and there is no password, once logged in, type "cli" to enter into the Juniper CLI.
Show status and desc of the interfaces :
show interfaces descriptions
Enter "config mode" :
Show binding with agregated ethernet interface (PortChannel), we use "run" in edit mode (like a cisco "do"):
run show interfaces terse
Show config in indented mode
show configuration
Show config as you would type it:
show configuration | display set
You can double pipe and use match (cisco "include"):
show configuration | display set | match interface

Set a description to an interface, and show its config:
edit interface  xe-0/3/6
set description "my INT description"

Shutdown an interface (you are not obliged to edit into the interface mode):
set interfaces xe-0/3/2 disable

See you modifications before commiting:
show | compare

Apply your configuration changes

Apply you configuration, and schedule a rollback (by default) in 10 min :
commit confirmed
Check your config before commit (or confirm commit after a "commit confirmed"):
commit check
See the configuration history:
show system commit
"deactivate" comment the config, good for tests, delete is delete : 
deactivate system syslog
delete system syslog
Activate SSH to login, and set an IP on the managment interface (with a default route) :
set system services ssh
set interfaces vme unit 0 family inet address
set routing-options static route next-hop
Show random (but usefull) tips:
help tip cli
List the Serial numbers and the type of all components (SFP / FPC (LineCard) / PFE (Switch Fabric)/ PS...):
show chassis hardware
Show optical level and power information of an optic:
show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-0/2/3
Start a shell (with your id or as root)
start shell
start shell user root
Show all log (but only last lines) :
show log messages | last
enable/disable debuging (caution!) in is example we "tail" the messages logs :
monitor start messages
monitor stop messages

Watch interface statistics in live :
monitor interface xe-0/3/6 
Classified in : junIPer Tags : none
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