How to use VRF
Written by Arnaud no commentsThis Example is only working for IPv4 (see the "vrf definition" command below for IPv6) :
First create your VRF and define an RD (Route Distinguisher) which is 16bits:16bits (can also be 32b:16b if you use doted IP notation)
(config)# ip vrf my_vrf_1 (config-vrf)# rd 500:1
Add you interface into the VRF (remeber to set the IP address *after*)
(config)# interface Gi0/0 (config-if)# ip vrf forwarding my_vrf_1 (config-if)# ip
Define your RT (Route Targert), which will tell how you want to export/import between VRF (aka route leaking). You must enable BGP on the router but no BGP neighbor is required.
(config)# ip vrf my_vrf_1 (config-vrf)# route-target export 500:1 (config-vrf)# route-target import 100:1
Make you BGP
(config)# ip route vrf my_vrf_1 XX.XX.XX.XX Null0 (config)# router bgp 65534 (config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf my_vrf_1 ! next line is for the RT, if you don t do it your interface won't have a route to others vrf (config-router)# redistribute connected ! next lines are for remote BGP session (config-router)# network XX.XX.XX.XX mask (config-router)# neighbor XX.XX.XX.XX remote-as XXXXX (config-router)# neighbor XX.XX.XX.XX prefix-list PFX-OUT out
And the "show ip bgp sum" & fiends like :
sh ip bgp vpnv4 all sum sh bgp vpnv6 uni all sum sh ip bgp vpnv4 vrf NAME sum sh bgp vpn6 uni vrf NAME sum clear bgp vrf NAME ipv6 unicast * clear bgp vrf NAME ipv4 unicast A.B.C.D ping vrf NAME A.B.C.D
Source : (French) and
(English) What are RD / RT
You can easily import route of you global table into your VRF :
(config)# vrf definition NAME (config-vrf)# rd XX:XX (config-vrf)# address-family ipv4 (config-vrf-af)# import ipv4 unicast map RMAP-NAME
You may have noticed we used "vrf definition" instead of "ip vrf", if you want to convert you old vrf conf to "vrf def" use the command below :
(config)#vrf upgrade-cli multi-af-mode common-policies
And the question in now : How to export the route of the VRF to the Global table?
Sadly this feature (BGP Support for IP Prefix Export from a VRF Table into the Global Table) is only available on 15.2+ IOS... You can check on the Cisco Feature Navigator :
(config)# vrf definition NAME (config-vrf)# rd XX:XX (config-vrf)# address-family ipv4 (config-vrf-af)# export ipv4 unicast map MAP_NAME
Do not use the "export map RMAP-NAME" it does not what you want! (It's the way to set route-max when leaking between VRF)
Oh BTW you can create a static route in a VRF to an IP in the global table like this :
ip route vrf NAME x.x.x.x s.s.s.s nh.nh.nh.nh global
Go futher and read this excellent explanation :